
IDE in the terminal: meet vim and tmux

Integrated Development Environment. That is, an environment what integrates helper tools to help you with your development activities. Now that our environment variables are set up properly, let's get comfortable with the terminal multiplexer tmux and the main part of a development environment: the editor, in our case: vim. After …

Automated environment setup with direnv

Config files are the past! At least for server-side application deployments. In the docker / kubernetes world, where applications are deployed into ephemeral containers, we usually do not want to bother mounting files into the containers, keeping them in sync across microservices, etc. In kubernetes, especially when using the sidecar pattern …

My terminal-only DevOps-friendly "IDE" (part I)

As from January 2020 I started a new job at Knowledge Lab, I again faced the challenge of how we could somehow standardize tooling across team members with a DevOps-first approach, focusing on proper CI/CD infrastructure, code quality and automation wherever we can. This post would be way too …

Switching to OpenStreetMap from Google Maps

I have been going on with my "degooglifying" efforts for a while now, however, Google Maps is something hard to get rid of. It offers so many features, especially when visiting a new country/city. Now I finally found a solution. Here you go, my first blog post. The features …